Handelsblatt Coverages

Handelsblatt Business Briefing from 08.04.2022: Consistent ESG strategies strengthen financial result:

 “up to 29 percent of corporate financial results measured by earnings per share are determined by sustainability strategy and its quality“ (own translation)

Handelsblatt Business Briefing from 14.10.2022: Compan’s societal profits and losses monetizable

„While all companies generated an average societal value contribution of 62 cents in 2019 (…), they also generated 38 cents of societal costs” (own translation)

Börsen-Zeitung Coverages

Börsen-Zeitung from 25.04.2022: Study shows high influence of ESG

“20% to 29% of corporate financial performance (CFP) could be explained by corporate sustainability strategy performance (CSSP)” (own translation)

Börsen-Zeitung Podcast on sustainable investing

„The bottom line is that 20 of these 100 companies in the sample generated societal profits“ (own translation)

Tagesspiegel Background Coverages

Tagesspiegel Background Sustainable Finance from 12.05.2022: Sustainability strategy boosts financial performance

„Financial performance can be maximized by choosing the highest possible ambition, reducing inconsistencies, and improving sustainability performance“ (own translation)

Tagesspiegel Background Sustainable Finance from 27.06.2022: Only one company relies on double materiality

“Only one company uses double materiality”

Tagesspiegel Background Sustainable Finance from 10.11.2022: Expressing environmental impacts in monetary terms

„In Positive Impacts’ methodology, there is a “societal value” and a “societal gain/loss.” The externalities are offset against sales in the case of the former, and against taxes paid in the case of the latter – after all, these are the only services financed for the general public.” (own translation)

Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften Coverages

Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften 02/2022: Consistent action pays off

„Consistent ESG strategies strengthen financial results” (own translation)

Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften 04/2022: Double dividend through sustainability 

„Less than 7% of the sustainability ambitions and the quality of sustainability management (can be) explained by the financial performance of the previous year. They were therefore more than 93% a management decision“ (own translation)